September 1:st 2012 – 1983 recordings with Rövsvett etc Kloak Mix 1 SPUNK – 001 – 1983 – Cassette ♬ Face A / ♬ Face B MP3 192 kbps ♬ Face A / ♬ Face B Updated December 28nd 2013 with better rips from my Nakamichi cassette deck. Early Swedish tape with bands like Disgust, Unter Den Linden, Rövsvett, Snorleifs, Albyl, R.T.S and Raalph. SPUNK was issued by Mikael Karlsson from Tranås and most bands are from the region. It’s the same Mikael as in Rövsvett. Several bands on this compilation tape share members. The Unter Den Liden record is live from Club Zig Zag in Lund April 4 1983. For more in this compilations serie: Check out Kloak Mix 2 and Kloak Mix 3 Some of the images are pretty crappy – I will take new ones later. Share this:
ALBYL, was from the Stockholms suburbs, Hässelby Gård, “Tubeline 18”.