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About us
We are three guys from Northern Sweden – the editor, Z and Emil. It’s cold – and we are thirsty and miserable! That’s all you need to know.
“Keep up the great work, it’s folks like you who makes this internet thing seems legit. I love you.”
Merry x-mas. I read your blog on occations and I like it. Keep up the work and post more US HC.
Cheers from Russia! I collect rare Swedish punk interviews for writing my zine and looking for help to find some stuff about anti cimex, black uniforms and disarm, If you can help me give me know! TACK!
Hello – we responded to your mail on facebook. Of couse we will help you.
Hello, I am wondering if I can either buy dubbed copies of some of the tapes you have or if we can tape trade. me email is [EMAIL DISCLOSED]
Thanks for your e-mail. I would to start with say that I would never sell any dubbed tapes as I don’t own the right. With regards of trading I will mail you directly….
145 svenska punkfanzines från 70-talet för 4000 spänn… Fynd eller hutlöst..? fan vet.
Saw it. Tried to bid but got beaten. It’s a fair price…
My name is Tonyo from Spain.
First of all,I love your page!!!
It´s very interesting one!!!Full of great info!
Well,the other reason its because I´m looking for a DISACCORD demo
I´m looking for the same session from DIE FREIHEIT COMPILATION TAPE.
This is the tracks from DISACCORD;
40. Disaccord – Yellow rain
41. Disaccord – Wanted
42. Disaccord – We’re all the same
43. Disaccord – Blå gule
This songs sound really killer!!!Very similar as ANTICIMEX “Raped ass”.
Can you help me???Do you have this tape???
I can offer you something from Spain in trade,something you wanted!Let me know!
And last also I´m looking for a band´s name since 1987.
I think they are not swedish but they are from 80s.Check out the video I uploaded at youtube;
Any idea???
Thanks for your time.
Cheers from Russa again! No i’m start to write about Black uniforms. So if somebody have stuff about them, send me a leeter to ripysfacebook@mail.ru
Thanx! Cheers!
Bristles boys will be boys EP har 2 olika baksidor. Sen har Kassetten Ban The Punk shops 2 olika med låtar sen finns det olika färger
THe Bristles [e-mail address removed]
I am translating this into english: The EP “Boys will be boys” got two difference rear sleeves. “The tape Ban The Punk Shops” tape are two different with different songs. They are also in different colours.
you might find some interesting records here. http://www.punkrecords.se
Hi! Need help with some stuff. Someone have some zines from that list?
SUB #7
PAS-83 NR 2,5
I got some of them and I will scan them as soon as I have time. I got a sick queeue of close to 200 zines but will change the scanning order for you
Than you! DISILICA #2 (not DISILIRA #2 sorry)
Are you still interested in photos of Asta Kask-För kung & fosterland with yellow labels on Pang records?
Yes. I will mail you!
re:tonyo`s unknown band request(link to youtube)..band is from`burger corpse`comp..MN area,usa1983.but i dont have a tracklist though!
Hey guys
This is bader from berlin!
I enjoy your page a lot and as you guys are absolute specialists in the nordic hardcore and punk section and i am working on a list of the best hardcore and punk 12″ up to 1989, i wonder if you re willing to share your opinions and expertise with me!?
If so i d be glad if you email me 😉
That’s a brutal list. Are you talking about the whole world or the Nordic Countries ??
i got skitslickers gbg with “skitslickers” stamped on the label. never seen that before.. anyone else here got a stamped copy?
Yes, it exist with that. Not to uncommon on white labels, not unusual that the owners did that!!
tillägg förra inlägget..
mitt stämplade skitslickers ex är originalpressningen matrix sl 8206
thanks for the info! my copy comes from a band member of arroganta agitatorer. the guy got it from skitslickers and never stamped it himself. maybe the band stamped it for friends? guess we will never find out…
I’m in the process of starting a label releasing vinyl LP compilations of unsigned punk/new wave bands from 1976 onwards – a bit like the Teenage Treats compilations that came out in the 90s except featuring unreleased material.
There must be a ton of good stuff out there that seventeen year old kids recorded on reel to reels and cassette recorders that never saw the light of day. I was in a band called The Cellophane Boys who wrote such classics as Masturbation Aches (I wonder why we were never signed up?!) Unfortunately the few reel to reel recordings of rehearsals we had are long lost.
I was wondering if you may know of ways of promoting my site http://www.unreleasedpunk.com and getting old band members to come forward. Do you know of any magazines, fanzines, websites or people out there who may be able to help?
Thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to give me.
Hi guys,
my name is Šimon Blaschko and I am from Czech punk-rock band Just For Being. I am going to Stockholm in May (from 16th to 20th May) and I would like to visit some interesting concerts at this period. Do you have some tips for me?
Btw you can check our video from the tour from last year:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_jlCL6nRp8 🙂
Thank you in advance and have a great evening! 🙂
check this site http://gigguide.se/ …. Also check https://www.facebook.com/pages/Klubb-Kronstadt/143406985703061 and Stockholm Straight Edge. I guess that will be all the sites you need. Have a nice trip. And Yeah the Zero Boys are playing that weekend
Want to show your fanzines in an upcoming group exhibition about books and prints in Stockholm? Drop me a line and I’ll be happy to tell you more 🙂
None of these fanzines are mine. I just scan them an make ’em public to the few people who are intersteed. I pop you a line later this weekend however….
Thanks for the way-cool punk site!
Hej har fått den stora äran att göra total armsvett t-shirts men ingen i bandet har kvar sina kassetter, skulle vilja göra churchill motivet den på really fast, om du har den skulle du kunna hjälpa mig med en bra inscanning? mvh dennis
Hey S.P.F. I remember meeting one of you guys back in the summer of 2013 in Austin Texas @ the “Chaos in Tejas” fest. Anyway I remember hanging & handed you a CDR demo of my band “Satanical Torment” in trade for a beer! Awesome! Well I finally got a Facebook page (Arnold Garza) please feel free to add, contact me..
Thanks, I remember that. I friend you, cool to hear form you.
Hey there
Greg here from Spiral Objective in South Australia. Just happened across your great site. I was tormenting myself by doing a search for ‘most expensive hardcore records’ because a year ago I lost my 25 year collection in a fire, 7000 rekids up in smoke! I’ve given you a link to the photos! I had some amazing records, collecting since 1985…oh well c’est la vie! It’s late gotta sleep…cheers
Jag undrar om där är någon här som har eller vet var man kan få tag i Strebers vinylen Bad boys behind bars med både Gulsvart och även Grönsvart fodral!
Træsket gløder ær det absolut bæsta fanzine som har skådats på denna planeten, med vænliga hælsningar från Bob Stacy.
Cool stuff
Really hope you write the most expensive Japanese hardcore records article you mentioned on here a while back…
Maybe to the summer! I have started work on it.
Great work here, thanks a lot for all the interesting references!
Hoping you can help me with some questions about the Execute flexi!
Great site and thanks.
Just ask! What is the questions?
How do you think, modern LPs are worth things to spend money on (as we know, because of digital master and compressions modern vinyl record could sound worse than CD) or only pre-digital era LPs are trve (till beginning of 90s)?
Hi, I agree that there is an issue that many records basically is “CDs on vinyl”. However, mastering is in most cases done for vinyl. As for records there is still an element of collecting making records still attractive as it comes with better artwork. I also guess that the limited edition stuff makes some stuff more collectable.
Hi I am Pablo from Spain and I Need the cover of this tape: http://www.swedishpunkfanzines.com/wp-content/uploads/AC-More-FO-Front.jpg
Can you scan this with high quality and send to me?? My email is [e-mail adress removed]
Thanx! Up the punks
Sorry, we are not distrubing the sleeves. Furhermore, I only got the images on the site
Tjena, Tommy från Harass här, jag har några singlar kvar om ni är intresserade…
hello! punkx!!
hello! I really like this blogs!
editor have these demos? full effekt and scheikes rebeller cheers
hello.great place thank you.well i am searching for e mail of
Fredrik Åstrand so please may you send me to: [e.mail disclosed]
thank you best regards jan
I have contacted Fredrik and forwarded your e-mail adress
Hey guys, I recently go the rights to my old bands (Braskey) album from 2006. I know that the american punk scene is pretty rough now adays, but punk still seems alive and well in Sweden. Do you have any recommendations/advice for how I can get our music heard in the Swedish punk scene? We sort of sound like strung out, rise against, a wilhelm scream…
Hello SPF; I love the site and your article about becoming a collector scum made me cry. Beyond what you have here can you recommend any market-type places to start for collecting fanzines? What are the most effective search words on eBay?
I think the best way is to get into the scene and learn to know people throu various social media groups. As for key words, I guess zine and fanzine and punk and hardcore is a given pick. However – I myself buy most stuff from other collectors and from the scene.
hi there!
here’s Joseph from Perú.
Need a big help to book diy shows in Sweden for the next autumn.
We would like to make a huge european tour with my grindcore band called BESTIAL VOMIT and play in Sweden for the first time.
Thanx to everyone for every kind of collaboration.
hey u guys, great website. i’m travelling through sweden the next couple of weeks and i could need some recomandations for some good punk diy vinyl shops/clubs/bars/squats/social centers to check out (mostly stockholm, göteborg and malmö). i would appreciate the help!
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I have the Gollywog record in very good condition, never played. Anyone interested?
The editor..I have something you may be interested in.
hello guys will anyone here be able to facilitate the compiled deliriun tremens vol19? please!!! thanx jak
Hello Ed,
Appreciate the recommendation above to dig into the scene and find other collector scums… I’ve since sunk my teeth into some good zines. Do you have any recommendations for research into Japanese punk and hardcore scene and history?
Is there anybody out to do me a physical or digital copy of the “Delirium tremens vol. 18” tape? Would be much appreciated and that person will be rewarded! Write me through [e-mail removed]
Thanks and horns up!
I see what we can do
Hey is it possible to have a contact with someone from the band swankers pms? I need the lyrics for their song “pensionär”…..
Also, is it possible to get a copy of delirium tremens 6?
somebody have the DISPENSE demo???
Vi har nyss dragit igång ett mangel-band som heter Avfarten.
Lite inspirerade av band som Missbrukarna, Mob-47 mfl.
Försöker sprida skiten lite denna dag 🙂
Avfarten finns bara digitalt än så länge på spotify, youtube (vi spånar på vinyl).
Hej! Jag försöker hitta gamla punk/hardcore fanzines att köpa. Söker även gamla flyers från 70-90 talet. Vet du nån som kan tänka sig sälja dessa?
Does someone know places that have hardcore/punk concerts in the Gothenburg area? 🙂
Pingback: Distad | Brob Tilt's zine-world
Hi there, are there any printed swedish punk fanzines alive today?
is THE NUTS on here? Halloween tape or 26 hours tape. I am sorry if it is and i just havent learned how to navigate.
Thanks loads!!
cheers 🙂
Yes Gunter, there is. For example Flyktsoda, Mission och Väckelse and Gamnacke.
Hi great page you are doing for so many years…
Is it possible to send a scan or put in a new photo of the Slam Ingens lyricsheet…(tried to print it out but unfortunately it s a little blurry)would be nice to have it after 35 years hehehe thanx in advance
Here I am (ADK / Comes / Tranquilizer)