August 11:th 2013 – Early STHLM “Råpunk”
Albyl – Röster Från Andra Sidan Graven
Not On Label – - 1983 – Cassette
♬ Face A MP3 192 kbps
♬ Face B MP3 192 kbps
Albyl , is a reference to a painkiller brand. The pills are white so it’s a reference to “the colour-less”, de färglösa. They came from Hässelby south of Stockholm, Sweden. Albyl represented fist wave of Swedish “Rå-punk” . This demo was recorded i Siljan Studios which is not in the Dalarana region but actually in Hässelby Villastad. According to the inlay the line-up was: Mick (Guitar), Gene (Bass), Killer (Drums) and Anti (vocals). The band started as Micke &Tomas & Matte (guitar / drums / vocal-bass) formed ATK (Anarki Till Kungen). The band played at Ultra huset in a support gig in 1983 which was also recorded ♬ Live at Ultra 1983 (MP3). Janne Punk in the band sent me a video (avi) as well but I am not sure if is from the same event. The band made a zine which will be posted at some time.
The real KBD-scum might associate Hässelby from which Albyl origin with another band: Apatins Apostlar which later changed name to KESSLER JÛGEND . Apparently they had a hard time selling both their EP’s back in days. Today they are worth a fortune. The first gig Albyl did was with Apatin Apostlar, Orrgan, Düschfallt and Skälby Örjans. Well – Albyl did not play as too many bands were booked , but they got paid. The first real gig was at Kulturhuset in Stockholm. The third gig (also in 1983) was with Glaürk, Tanj, Duo Fruktad, Avfall, Oroliga Kalkoner, A-bomb,LTO, APATINS APOSTLAR & INCA and “Mökrunkers”. The later screamed so much that two of the three mics broke. Albyl was the next band…”motherfuckers – hard to play with broken equipment” to quote Janne-Punk. In the autumn of 1983 the band folded. The members contintued in various other bands.
There is a lot of noise on this tape, it has been de-magnitized over they years, I guess.
Hey ! – this is MY band !!!
Siljan studio was infact placed in our suburs of Hässleby Gård, but their owners Sören & Pelle was born up in Dalarna – thats why that name ! – Those 2 “hippies” acctuall had a 60s popband calld “Horangers” and also released some records !!!.
There should be a comma between Apatins Apostlar and Inca too, not “&”.