December 22:nd 2012 – Heavy Hardcore Sub Alert – What Makes You Go On? Fight Back Records – FBR 004 – 2008 – 7″ Swedish Sub Alert (Tidaholm) is a band that seems not to be in the d-beat genre nor in the crust genre. The influences are more old-school, adding their own Tidaholm spices. This release is on Fight Back Records which is also the label of the drummer, Masken. I like this heavy unpolished hardcore and unlike a lot of the “pity-buy” I do this day. The later are records which pass the turntable once before being stored in the basement. This one will stay in my living room until further notice. Sub Alert also made a split with Krimtänk in 2010 and another Angelpiss in 2011. Both are good. There are CD releases as well, but being an old fart – I don’t buy CD’s!!! The songs : ♬ Face A Nothing to Fear / All Empires Fall / Life Fight ♬ Face B True Turn False / Break Down/Break Out / Ever Felt (MP3 320 kbps) Click on the images to expand them to higher resolution. As usual all images and audio clips is from my record. Share this:
So You buy records after 1985? Haha