One reason starting this site was to fully understand my obsessive–compulsive personality disorder, the first article I wrote was So You want to become a collector-scum?. After two years of thinking I have to the final conclusion that these are my collection areas. It is noted that this are completist areas; i.e I want EVERYTHING! Of course I buy records outside this scope but that’s not “collecting”. Here’s the current wantlist by the way.
On the genres I only collect the first press. There is also a period up to 1990 which I don’t know how to classify (that’s important for a person like me with an tendency for Asperger syndrome diagnostics to have proper classifications) which include grindcore and powerviolence. Here I would add bands like Heresy, Infest and Napalm Death. I guess it’s the first wave of grindcore and powerviolence I am shooting at.
There are however three bands I collect everything available on vinyl (all presses etc.); Shitlickers aka Skitslickers, Anti-Cimex, Terveet Kädet and finally Huvudtvätt aka Headcleaners. And too many peoples surprise. I collect the official studio albums by Sonic Youth