October 12:th 2012 – The best Nordic HC record Terveet Kädet – Ääretön Joulu Poko Rekords – Kädet 105 – 1982- 7″ At some time I will make a list of 10 Nordic Countries Hardcore EP’s (1979-1986) that you got to hear. It will a challanging list. However Terveet Kädet’s Ääretön Joulu is the best EP ever made in the Nordic Countries. The title Ääretön Joulu is a refeerence to Christmas and there are 8 brutal and super tight christmas carols on this EP. Looking at the sleeve with the candle up the ass of the guy we can presume it’s Christmas in Tornio style. All in all 8 tracks, just one song over one minute. It got a really amazing vocal attack by Läjä and the whole EP is excellent produced. Get your leather pants on, open that koskenkorva bottle, crank up the volume and smash holes in the drywall in your apartment as you jump around – this is what hardcore is all about. Pissaa Ja Paskaa !!! In 1982, Jeff Bale wrote in MRR With this release, T.KADET come of age and prove they’re among the world’s best hardcore bands. This well-produced record has everything–ultra tight thrash power, join in choruses, and lead vocals so demented they make the MEAT PUPPETS sound like the BEE GEES. The hottest punk EP released thus far this year, really. For more info on Terveet Kädet, check out the post on their first release : Terveet Kädet – Rock Laahausta Vastaan (1980) I got this EP from a guy in Italy as I decided to retire my old beaten up copy. That one is in Cleveland now – traded for some US HC. This one is as close as Mint as it can be. It’s the crown jewel of my collection ♬ Full EP (MP3 320 kbps) Click on the images to expand them to a higher resolution. Share this: