Demon System 13 or DS-13 was the favorite band of a good friend that passed away to early. My wife wore a DS-13 patch on her jacket for a month after the funeral in his memory.
I had a few EP’s but have tracked down all releases so here are the final three. DS-13 was formed in Umeå, Sweden in 1995 and broke up in 2005. They temporary reunited on 2012 to celebrate the 40:th birth day of Dennis Lyxzen (former Refused). That the band broke of was not really a bad thing – all members moved on to other bands in the vital Umeå and Swedish HC scene. DS-13 made shitload of releases and a bunch of tours. Regarding the release some stuff is great whilst other is just average. Well they put out 12 vinyls in like 8 years. Here I will add the three latest arrivals to my collections (Also making the DS-13 collection complete).