July 18th 2014 – the best of two worlds Flirt – Don’t Push Me / Degenerator Real Records – RZR-101 – 1978 – 7″ Two years ago I passed Generation records in New York and picked up this baby. When I came home I was sure I left it at the hotel or something, it was just gone! But a few days ago I moved shelf where I store my records and funny enough I found it behind it. As I written earlier I mainly post the stuff I buy and hardly anything that has been sitting in the bins for years. I guess this one is in the twilight zone as I “just” found it. I mentioned earlier that I always preferred US punk over UK punk, the bands both sound and look cooler than their UK peers. Just take a look at Detroit’s Flirt with the couple Rockee Re Marx (vox) and Skid Marx (bass). They really look cool, smoking hot. The story is that that Rockee actually was pregnant when the image for the picture sleeve was made. It’s cute in some way that she holds her hand on the belly. As a record, it is perfect: The punk song ♬ Don’t Push Me (MP3 320 kbps) will fit fans with a preferene for hard rock and the B-side got a real Detroit slammer; ♬ Degenerator (MP3 320 kbps) in the veins of bands like MC5. I just love this record. The other members were Steve Sortor on drums from Mutants fame and Thomas St. Thomas on guitar (he was also in the Sillies which put out a 7″ in 1979. There was also another dude called Gaetano on guitar as well which I don’t know shit about. Followers of this site might also notice a pattern in some of the post on US punk; I am a sucker on female fronted bands. By the way – It seems that there should be a poster with this release, this copy don’t have one. There is an image of it on KBD records. Click on the images to expand them to higher resolution. The rips and images are from my record. Front and rear sleve Labels Share this: