Svart Parad – Myteri (1984)

March 14:th 2013 – Dark HC, first demo

Svart Parad – Myteri

Dis Cassettes ‎– DIS 006 – 1984- Cassette

Face A MP3 192 kbps

Face B MP3 192 kbps

Face A / Face B


Image to the left: Svart Parad playing at Ultra Huset south of Stockholm. Photography by Ia Hammar.

Updated Nov 22nd 2013 with better rips from my Nakamichi cassette deck.

Svart Parad (translation – “Black Parade”) was a hardcore band with a darker sound than some of the other conptemorary Swedish hardcore bands. The band was from Hedemora in Sweden and is by many considered to the first Swedish straight edge band.

To my knowledge they made 3 demos, this one being the first one. This tape recorded October 29:th to 31:th, 1984.

Text added on March 15:th 2013 based on feedback given as this tape was posted on Facebook.

There are four know demos by Svart Parad . According to Mikael Sörling who made an interview with the band in 1986 they spoke about 4 demos. This one was first out followed by En dåres dikt and Hur fan kan man tolera grymheter som slakthus. This two was recorded at the same time. The final demo was Multisvält . According to a person close to the band a fith demo was planned (a split with Kazjurol) but that was most likley not released. Regarding being a SxE band, everyone close to the band claims they both smoked and drunk beer. As a band they were inspired by Minor Threat and tried to like that for a period of time but … eh … beer is just to good. That the explanation of the the image of Tompa in the band with the cross on the hand.

Click on the images to expand the higher resolution to see track-list etc.


  1. Erich

    Who on earth pays 2-300 $ for such crappy demos?????

  2. Stefan

    Please let me know witch one of the guys who was SxE !

  3. WD

    Nice dudes, though no studs or leather in the days

  4. Tomas

    Skulle inte dra det så långt att kalla dem sxe-band bara för att sångaren har kryss på handen på en bild. Mailade Mats för nåt år sen och fick detta svar: “Tjena!
    Jo det stämmer att jag har lirat i Asocial. Och min bror Strazze(Peter)
    lirade gura i Svart Parad. Det var mycket det där med Straight edge på
    den tiden eftersom vi lyssnade mycket på Minor Threat.
    Man försökte leva lite så då, men det gick bara ett tag.
    Gott med Öl m.m.

    Ha det bra Mats.”

  5. Sörling

    Jag intervjuade Tompa 1986 och då berättade han om fyra kassetter. Myteri, En dåres dikt, Hur fan kan man tolera grymheter som slakthus och Multisvält. En dåres… och Slakthus spelades in vid samma tillfälle, men gavs ut som två kassetter i cirka 30 exemplar. Juli 1986 spelade man in en femte som skulle ges ut på en splittape med Kazjurol. Jag vet inte om den någonsin gavs ut – Well Done eller Peter Ahlqvist kanske vet, Babs kunde man köpa kassetten av enligt Tompa. På frågan vilken inställning de har till droger svarar de att öl och tobak nyttjas.

  6. Peter A

    Vet att det skulle bli en tape. Men ser inget omslag framför mig. Så jag är tveksam om den kom ut överhuvudtaget.

  7. PS

    I sold Multisvält for 100 dollars. Thank you.

  8. XXX

    straight edge??? yea right haha

  9. Facebook feed

    There was actully 2 demos. Myteri and Multisvält. The others was made by the basist Tomas in his ned for money. He was alcoholic and he need money to finance his drinking. Four days a go Mats Bodenmalm ( Distortion records) contact me. He Wants to remixed the cd and release the Svart Parad on a exclusive lp. Do you think we should participarted ? He give me a promise of 2000 dollar for 1000 copies. He said it will be a very exclusive. We were never in the scene to be exclusive. We were very Crass and thought anarchy and punk was for free.

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