Mögel – Desperata Liv Desperata Skrik (1988)

November 18:th 2012 – Long Standing Borås (Sweden) act

Mögel – Desperata Liv Desperata Skrik

– – 1988

Face A MP3 128 kbps

Face B MP3 128 kbps

There are two Mögel (translation – Mould); one all-girls band from Stockholm and this punk band from Borås, Sweden. I read that they made another demo the following year Döden går hand i hand . The first cut on vinyl was split SLR in 1991 but the following they made their own EP “It Isn’t A Dream. A Society Of Murder We Don’t Want “. An LP was made in 1993 and … well they got a long discography, the most recent release is from 2010. I believe the band is still active.

For more info and songs to download, check their web-page.

Click on the images to expand the higher resolution.

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