Manga from Mariestad says WTF!!! are this still ok? I had to download and listen to it at once. =)
Now have i listen to it , It runs little to slow, I must se if i have any originals left in god condition , Bye , Manga drummer in Bombhot singer in Avafall etc.
I Think Jonsson told me that they all were too slow, and that’s why they didn’t spread them… Or was it you who told me Magnus? I know for sure that he think this is the worst Cimex tracks ever recorded 🙂 . We talked about this tape last week.
=) I have found my originals , sounds better than this =) =)
Manga from Mariestad says WTF!!! are this still ok? I had to download and listen to it at once. =)
Now have i listen to it , It runs little to slow, I must se if i have any originals left in god condition , Bye , Manga drummer in Bombhot singer in Avafall etc.
I Think Jonsson told me that they all were too slow, and that’s why they didn’t spread them… Or was it you who told me Magnus? I know for sure that he think this is the worst Cimex tracks ever recorded 🙂 . We talked about this tape last week.
=) I have found my originals , sounds better than this =) =)
New rips available!!!!