December 14th 2013 – With Mart Hällgren Dr. Anti-Skval – S/T Not On Label – – 1985 – Cassette ♬ Side 1 / Side 2 MP3 192 kbps FLAC files are available on request Here’s a Swedish punk tape where you will find Mart Hällgren on drums (live he played bass I believe). The dudes are from Tumba. He is more known for both Total Egon and Lyckliga kompisarna. The song Betongland ended up on a few tape compilations. The melodic “trall” elements that we could hear later is evident on this tape as well. In an interview in Skrik-Ut issue 3 they called their music “folkpunkmusic”. Check the images below for song titles etc, just click on the images below to expand them to higher resolution. Cassette Fold out Share this: