Hard Core or what – Xcentric Noise Tapes

September 27:th 2012 – Early International comp.

Hard Core or what – International compilation tape

Xcentric Noise Tapes – XNT2- 198?

Face A

Face B

This tape was released Xcentric Noise Tapes (UK) which later also put out vinyl. It has an awesome set of hardcore bands.

With Probes, Colera, Data Kluss, Blue Vomit, Ohlo Seco, Axco, Chaos in Uppsala, Stoned Rayzens, Terveet Kädet, Born BC (B.B.C). Elecroshock, Ivan Siberia and Huvudtvätt

The tape came inside n 7″ plastic sleeve with a paper sleeve and an insert. Click on the images to expand the higher resolution.

One comment

  1. Linda Clark

    Where can I get beat the meat on tape from please

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