Brontophobia – Hey / Motorcar (1979)

February 14 2016 – Swedish garage / punk

Brontophobia – Hey / Motorcar

Brontorecords ‎– BFS 179– 1979 – 7″

I never heard about this record until Peter Kagerland issued his book Ny Våg. Based on the book it seems like this dudes was from Sollentuna and actually rehearsed in the same studio as Hangover. They formed back in 1977 and were influenced by Iggy Pop, New York Dolls and the Rolling Stones. Michael Thimrén played guitar. He’s possible more known for playing in Bitch Boys. The band mainly played covers but were able to record this “live” in the basement of their school. It got an awesome garage-punk sound. 500 copies was made and it was issued without a picture sleeve.

Songs: Side A: ♬ Hey (MP3 320 kbps) / Side B: ♬ Motorcar (MP3 320 kbps)

Click on the images to expand them to higher resolution. As usual, the rips and images are from my record.


Dust Sleeve

One comment

  1. Martin

    Great find! Really hard to track down and a top want for me.

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